Link Building

Link Building is one of the most important parts of Off-Page SEO for improving your website visibility and ranking on search engines, but not all links work equally. On the one hand, where bad and spammy backlinks destroy your website’s ranking and attract manual penalties from the search engines; on the other hand, good quality, authoritative backlinks boost your website’s ranking and authority quickly. Our Link-building process is cheap and ethical, and we always bring high-quality, authoritative links that impact your website’s ranking positively in the long run. We follow all the Google guidelines while building the links and never pay for the links. 

Our Link Building Process -

Our Link building process is practical, goal-oriented, and very unique in the industry. While working as a Link Building Specialist with more than 5 years of experience, I found that some websites’ rankings were still falling despite having sufficient links or more links than his competitors. So, I developed a unique method for link building. It is as follows –

Step 1 - Content Gap Analysis

“We do it only when the client asks for the same and wants a complete solution for his website ranking rather than “Only Link Building.” 

We compare his website’s page with his competitors’ pages on all recommended parameters by Search Engines, and if we find some Gaps or errors, we ask the client to improve that so that he can get the full potential of building the backlinks.

Step 2 - Link Gap Analysis

“Content is the King” and “SEOs are the big Spy” are some famous proverbs in digital marketing. Absolutely, as an SEO where a client trusts us and believes that we will help to improve their ranking, we always become overburdened with responsibility and morality. 

And it becomes more grievous when SEOs don’t know exactly which algorithm search engines use and how they work. Anyway, we are ‘BIG SPY’ because we use this technique. Rather than knowing why “My Client’s Site” is not ranking, we want to know “Why his Competitor’s site is ranking,” and we spy on them. As Backlink is still a significant ranking factor, to know how his competitors’ links are working for him, we make a “Link Gap Analysis.” This report details a technical comparison between Cleint’s website’s backlinks and competitors. 

Step 3 - Link Prospecting

After finding all the facts about the competitors’ backlinks, we make a relevant strategy for his website where we decide the linking websites’ DR, Link type like Do-Follow or No-Follow, Anchor texts, linking page relevance, etc.

Step 5 - Building Links on the clients’ approved sites

After ascertaining all the facts, we move further on starting to build backlinks. Even though we follow all the parameters, we still get approval from the clients for the selected sites, and if they approve, then we build links.

Step 7 - Link Status Tracking

We continually track the status of new backlinks, and if we find some errors and some problems arise, we try to improve that. And the same thing is shared with the clients in the shared sheet and monthly report sheet.